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Budapest recent comments:

  • BKV Zrt Kelenföldi Autóbusz Üzem Egység, Hanula Zoltán (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    T Uram Hölgyem ! Nem találok telefonszámot ezért írok/Éjszaka utaztam a 72 és 86 járatukkal elhagytam fekete válltáskámat táskámat. Kérem Önöket segítsenek, ha valaki leadta hívjanak a *36 20 554 9660 telefonszámon. Nagyon köszönöm.
  • Citylive Webcam, 56980 (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
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  • Citylive Webcam, Rohami (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
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  • Stefánia-ház lesz, andy (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    mi itt? what is here? why is there water?
  • Gázművek pálya, davwid wrote 13 years ago:
  • Intercar Parts Kft - Suzuki Maruti Auto Alktrészek Nagykereskedes, 1201 Budapest, Vágóhíd Utca 14, Slobodan Stojanovic (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Dear Mr. Singh , I`m director of Maruti Suzuki official servis in Belgrade. Colegues from "FFB Commerce" used to import Maruti parts from you but since they are not available to import any more , now I`m interested to start business with you. Please reply Best regards , Slobodan Stojanovic - "Autoinvest" D.O.O.
  • Bombay Express - Indian Restaurant, Peter (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    The Bombay Express - Indian Restaurant has closed. No more business.
  • István Széchenyi Square, CEU Student (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Now Szecsenyi Ter
  • Danubius Hotel Arena, hsf100 wrote 14 years ago:
    Nice 4 Star Hotel only 4 stops from the city center. The metro station next to the hotel is STADIONOK (Metro line Nr2 the RED LINE)
  • Bartók Béla Memorial House, Lacz (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Hello, This is not in Budakeszi, guys, please correct it (not even in Pest, it is in Budapest and within it, in Buda (2nd district).
  • Paulay Ede utca, 65, Stevenad wrote 14 years ago:
    Many Bosch guys live here
  • Laundomat, Helen (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    is this the laundomat that steals bed linen from their clients??
  • Örs vezér tere train station, S (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Destination: Gödöllő, Cinkota, Mogyoród or Csömör. (Gödöllői HÉV)
  • Örs vezér tere train station, S (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Suburban railway, not train.
  • East-West Line 2 Metro depot "Fehér úti", S (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Normal name of the stop: "Pillangó utca"
  • Ikarus Industrial Park, Ушелец (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Господа, это и есть территория будапештского завода, некогда выпускавшего знаменитые автобусы "Икарус"?
  • Trolleybus depot, Ушелец (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Вероятнее всего, что депо совмещённое (троллейбусно - автобусное).