This site is created using Wikimapia data. Wikimapia is an open-content collaborative map project contributed by volunteers around the world. It contains information about 32400931 places and counting.
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Secret Admirer (guest)
14 years ago:
Thanks for the free WiFi! :D
Lauder Javne Jewish High School,
HUN_Joe (guest)
14 years ago:
Mocskos zsidók!
Embassy of the Republic of Moldova,
Diplomat (guest)
14 years ago:
The Head of Mission as of September 27, 2010 is H.E. Mr. Alexandru Codreanu.
The current internet address of the embassy is
The rest of the information is correct.
American Cemetery Budapest,
BJ (guest)
15 years ago:
I remember seeing the entrance to this cemetery over 30 years ago. I was amazed, but didn't have the opportunity to go back to try to find out about it. I just recently thought of it, and decided to try to locate some information. There is little, I see, but am glad to have found out the little I did.
Darshan Garden,
Béjla (guest)
15 years ago:
Watch out with the waiters! The service is very low level, many customers were complaining about it! You better look for another place!
Láng Vasas Pálya,
SzabG (guest)
15 years ago:
A Budapesti Farkasok otthona.
Bulydosó székely restaurant,
nemtalálható étterem (guest)
15 years ago:
Mi a Bulydosó Székely étterem cime, telefonja ?
Semmi értelme, hogy csak a neve legyen itt .
Cim, telefon ?
Russian school,
zs (guest)
15 years ago:
Miért kellett az iskola keritését körbe nato dróttal feldíszíteni?
Klauzál tér,
Fint (guest)
15 years ago:
It has a local market on one side and at least two bars in the square.
It also has a book shop, a DIY merchants and a local supermarket along with several other small shops.
Odeon Llyod art cinema,
Tamas (guest)
15 years ago:
A Hollán Ernő utcai filmszínházat Lloyd Színház néven 1937 októberében a Lipótvárosi Mozgókép Rt. alapította; a mozi filmkínálatával rövid idő alatt bekerült az "elsőhetes" mozik sorába, s a Lipótváros és a belső Angyalföld közönségének kedvelt mozijává vált. 1945 után a Lloyd a Szociáldemokrata Párt mozi-érdekeltségéhez tartozott, műsorairól az Orient Film Rt. gondoskodott. A Duna nevet 1949. december 21-én vette fel a mozi, amely előzőleg, a 40-es években is viselte azt néhány évig. Az államosítás során a mozi a Mozgóképüzemi Nemzeti Vállalat tulajdonába került; 1954-től a Fővárosi Moziüzemi Vállalat, majd annak megszűnése után a Budapest Film üzemeltette.
2003. márciusa óta hívják Odeon-Lloyd-nak.
Pesthidegkút, Budapest II. district,
austind (guest)
15 years ago:
This area was the original living quarters of Alex who later went on to become the first man to become taller and have a choice about how tall he was through self administered height increase. Now Alex can be found here you can also find out how to gain a few inches in height.
Margit-sziget ("Margaret island"),
austind (guest)
15 years ago:
Margaret island is the place to escape the vampire of old Buda, They cannot cross the water. The dark shrouds and silent wings of the vampires can cross the river but the Island is sacred because the expanse of water around it. Secretively and silently the vampires will plot a way to infiltrate in the future. But for now you are safe.
UNIFORM-NOVA KFT. 1204 Budapest Török Flóris u. 85.,
makao (guest)
15 years ago:
Verry good!
Király utca, 93.,
15 years ago:
It is not appreciated that a "Guest" has deleted this marker.
Epam Systems Hungary,
visitor (guest)
15 years ago:
They new address:
European Headquarters
Budapest Delivery Center
EPAM Systems
Corvin Offices I.
Futó street 47-53
Budapest, H-1082
Phone: +36-1-327-7400
Fax: +36-1-577-2384
Cervante's Spanish Institute,
Camõe's (guest)
15 years ago:
grund hostel,
Pilis50 (guest)
15 years ago:
Remélhetőleg rendbehozzák és az Unokáink is látni fogják ezt az épülettömböt a sok lakhatatlan "ultramodern" dobozház között!
Magyar Hentes,
bela (guest)
15 years ago:
Meg zászló meg minden... mi csak hungarista hentesnek hívjuk, de tényleg korrektek
Budapest recent comments: